2018 Riding Course

Lesson 9 – 2018.08.06 Governors Island Ride

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To catch the ferry to Governors Island, we started biking as soon as everyone was ready. The weather was hot and sunny, so we took lots of water breaks to stayed hydrated! We biked downtown along the East River Esplanade until we reached the dock, admiring the beautiful views of the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan from the ferry.

Once we reached Governer’s Island, we hopped on our bikes and found a shady picnic area to eat lunch. Then, Lauren taught a lesson on the history of Governor’s Island, its conversion to public space, and its expansion with land from the 4/5/6 train construction. Afterwards, half the group went to find a geocache, while the other group learned some new dance moves. We took a look at the artwork Never Comes Tomorrow by Jacob Hashimoto, a colorful outdoor installation made of wood cubes and steel funnels, near the food court.

Next, we biked to the Hill and raced to the top, where we got a 360-degree view of the entire island, New Jersey, Liberty Island, Ellis Island, and the Staten Island Ferry. On the way back to the ferry, we had some fun on slides built into the slope of the hill! We took the ferry back to Manhattan and biked along the West Side to get back to school.


Ride Statistics:

21.74 miles biked

766 calories burned biking

.26 miles walked

46 calories burned

Total Calories Burned: 887.5

Estimates based on 100lbs, 5′ 2″ ht, 13 yo, average between male and female.


Lesson 8 – 2018.07.30 Inwood Ride (Prev Lesson)
(Next Lesson) Lesson 10 – 2018.08.14 Staten Island Ride
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