Ride Photos
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Welcome to the second half of Cyclopedia! Carmen and Maria started off the ride by teaching the word of the day, exploration, which comes from Latin. They also described the history of Inwood and explained the meaning of eureka, I found it! Then, we started biking to Inwood; the weather was absolutely perfect for biking, no rain but still overcast. Our first stop was Swindler’s Cove, where we spotted red-eared sliders, tadpoles, and even a toad!
We kept biking until we reached Highbridge Park. There, we took a break to talk about the first half of Cyclopedia. What did we like? What could be improved? Afterwards, we raced across what used to be a horse-drawn carriage race track and continued biking to Inwood Park. We ate lunch in the park before splitting up into a geocache and dance group. Ori taught the dance group how to cartwheel, while Alexis and Leah found geocaches. Congratulations to Leah for earning her geocache badge on her first try!
We regrouped to learn about Shorakkopock Rock, which marks the place where a tulip tree once grew, the tree that Peter Minuet allegedly stood under when he purchased Manhattan from the local Lenape tribe. Next, we walked up the path to a cluster of caves and earned our spelunking badge! On the other side of the path, Cappy showed us a ritual site marked with oyster shells on the ground. He also pointed out a freshwater spring that we sampled water from to test back at school. We trekked up a flight of stairs to reach a cluster of trees, and Clarence found a tricky geocache behind a tree. Then, we started the return trip, riding through Riverside Park, stopping at Inspiration Point, and riding past the pumpkin house.
Water Sample Results:
pH: 8
Hardness: (dissolved calcium and magnesium): 250 ppm
Chlorine: 0
Nitrate: negative
Nitrite: negative
Lead: negative
Pesticide: negative
Bacteria: negative
(That’s some clean water!)
Ride Statistics:
16.0 miles biked
613 calories burned biking
.65 miles walked
77 calories burned
Total Calories Burned: 690
Estimates based on 100lbs, 5′ 2″ ht, 13 yo, average between male and female.
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