2018 Riding Course

Lesson 4 – 2018.07.11 Randall’s Island Ride

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For our first ride of the season, we explored nearby Randalls Island! The word of the day was bicycle, originating from the Greek word bi, meaning two, and kyklos, meaning wheel. Cappy taught us that bicycles are three times as efficient as walking; the same amount of effort triples the distance traveled! After checking our bikes and reviewing our hand signals, we biked across the walking bridge to Randalls. We rode to Little Hell Gate, the only remaining separation between Randalls and Wards Islands. We walked our bikes across the bridge, spotting a family of ducks and lots of sumac! We made some refreshing sumac tea (aka rhus juice) by placing a bundle of sumac in our water bottles.

Then, we followed the path to a cluster of mulberry trees. Lucky for us, there were still quite a few ripe mulberries. After a quick mulberry break, we continued riding to the Bronx, where we discussed the marginalization of prisoners and Typhoid Mary in Rikers and North Brother Island respectively. Back on Randalls Island, we looked for a geocache that some Cyclopediacs from last year hid under a rock but ended up empty-handed. We biked to the Randall’s Island Urban Farm, where we looked around and fed the chickens. Then, we stopped to eat lunch at a field in the area and play an intense game of soccer (final score: 12-9!). On our way back to school, we made a detour to 7-Eleven to grab a free slurpie, but unfortunately, the machines were breaking down. We biked back to school and picked up our beautiful tie-dye shirts. All in all, we had a great time on our first official ride. Go Cyclones!

Ride Statistics:

8.56 miles biked

373 calories burned biking

.305 miles walked

37 calories burned

Total Calories Burned: 410

Estimates based on 100lbs, 5′ 2″ ht, 13 yo, average between male and female.



Lesson 3 – 2018.07.20 The Cloisters Ride (Prev Lesson)
(Next Lesson) Lesson 5 – 2018.07.23 Highbridge Ride
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